Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Pop Culture Staple::: The Simpsons

Can you even believe that The Simpsons have been on for 21 seasons?!?! That's like an eternity in tv time!! The Simpsons are an iconic piece of pop culture, and I'm super stoked that season 12 is out on DVD! Even my husband is ridiculously excited about this one, I love that we have a show that we both love... but honestly, who DOESN'T love The Simpsons? I mean, they're one of those shows that even if you've never owned a tv, you'd know who they are.

The 12th season of The Simpsons has 21 great episodes spanning 2000 into 2001. Of course the "Treehouse of Horror XI," "Lisa the TreeHugger," "Worst Episode Ever," "New Kids on the Blecch," and other great, classic episodes. Could I pick a favorite episode from season 12? Probably not... There's just too many great ones, its just too hard. Not with guest stars like Drew Barrymore, Ed Norton (*drool*), Pete Sampras, Justin Timberlake and others.

Not only are the four discs loaded with hilarious episodes of The Simpsons, they've got a ton of great bonus material on them! Deleted scenes, commentaries with producers, crew, cast and others, animation showcases, illustrated commentaries and more! I think that no matter what, with every dvd, my favorite bonus is always the deleted scenes!!

The Simpsons: The Complete Twelfth Season is definitely a DVD collection staple!!


Sharon August 30, 2009 at 11:28 AM  

21 years? Oh golly that makes me feel OLD. How did that happen?

Neat to find another blogger in Upstate NY -- I havent' found too many others. I'm near Cooperstown, land of snow and tourists.

Hope you saw a little sun this summer!

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