Breakfast can be fun!
Pop Art Toaster makes breakfast fun with their 5 in 1 Tasty Baker! Being so tired in the morning, its nice to have a little perk with a smiley face waffle or a heart shaped pancake! The great thing is, that you can use the Tasty Baker for much more than just breakfast foods- mini cakes, shaped brownies, even eggs can be cooked in a jiff with it! I've already though about making little grilled cheese shaped sandwiches in it!!
Its ease of use is phenomenal... I love that I can just throw together some pancake or waffle mix and just be able to pour a bit in each shaped well and have breakfast ready within minutes. Boug adores the shapes and she actually pays attention to eating instead of trying to run off to play! I definitely didn't have any issues with the waffles sticking to the wells or clean up- it was seriously easier than washing bowls after cold cereal! I only had a little bit of batter left, and even the hub was jealous that I didn't make him any fun waffles... awh...
Pop Art Toaster offers more than just this 5 in 1 Tasty Baker... They have the Disney varieties as well, of course including Mickey and the Princesses. But not only that, they have some of the coolest toasters, with the neatest toasting stencil plates... how cute would a monogram toaster be for a newlywed couple?? You can pick up your cool toasters and your 5 in 1 Tasty Baker at the Pop Art Toaster Store or at (standard,
i like this photo. yummmmy!
they look good
Those are so cute. I should get one of those for my kids, they'd love it.
That's cool! I haven't seen that before.
that is so neat!!
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