Get your game on with awesome Wii games!!
Everyone has a different gaming genre that they love and this holiday season, there are some really fun games out from Namco Bandai for everyone in the family!!

For me and the hub, we're big cooks, we even met when he was a cook at a restaurant and I was a waitress. He'll be finding in his stocking "Food Network Cook or Be Cooked" for Nintendo Wii!! This awesome game is rated E for everyone and is too much fun!! There are more than 30 real recipes that you can work through in this game, and they're taught by the Food Network experts!! We're big fans of games that can be played multi-player and solo, thankfully, this one can be played either way. This is the first video game from Food Network, and its aweso me to see it on a platform like Wii because its so interactive. This is such a great game for the foodies in your life, and yes, this is one that I'd be gifting myself if I didn't already receive it for my husband!
Another great game available, geared toward those 10 and up, is We Cheer 2. Being able to show off your cheer skills to 30 of the best songs out, being able to build your squad to show your team spirit and healthy competition are all great parts of the game. My neice has a favorite though, being able to customize your cheerleaders uniforms and accessories, also being able to play with up to 3 of her friends as well. I had to let her have a crack at the game earlier than Christmas though, since I wanted to try it out too, and needless to say, my 13 year old neice was much better than I am at it. I guess I don't have the team spirit that I need!! Of course, since we have the Wii and she doesn't, I'll be practicing while she's not around!
You can pick up Food Network: Cook or be Cooked
, as well as We Cheer 2
on, both available with free super saver shipping!

Opinions are my own, I was provided items free of charge to review (by Namco Bandai Games), which in no way changed the way I feel about the product!

For me and the hub, we're big cooks, we even met when he was a cook at a restaurant and I was a waitress. He'll be finding in his stocking "Food Network Cook or Be Cooked" for Nintendo Wii!! This awesome game is rated E for everyone and is too much fun!! There are more than 30 real recipes that you can work through in this game, and they're taught by the Food Network experts!! We're big fans of games that can be played multi-player and solo, thankfully, this one can be played either way. This is the first video game from Food Network, and its aweso me to see it on a platform like Wii because its so interactive. This is such a great game for the foodies in your life, and yes, this is one that I'd be gifting myself if I didn't already receive it for my husband!

You can pick up Food Network: Cook or be Cooked

Opinions are my own, I was provided items free of charge to review (by Namco Bandai Games), which in no way changed the way I feel about the product!
So, my daughter is more into basketball than cheer, but it looks like fun. Is it worth the bucks for a christmas gift or are there other games for tweens you or Mel can recommend considering your vast connections with blogging? i hate buying a game that is a dud when money is so tight and they are SO expensive!!
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