Snazzy Summer features... Summer Fun!!
With the economy the way that it is these days, I know that we can't all rush off to Disney or Sea World or anything, so I've been trying to find fun things to do around the house that we don't normally do. The only thing that we have planned for this summer as a major outing is driving down to the city next week to head over to the Bronx Zoo! Its going to be Boug and Buddy's first time and I can't wait to see what they think!!
As for things that I'm looking forward to doing around here, maybe you'll look forward to them too!!
Making Ice Cream:
I'm super excited about making ice cream this summer with the kiddos, whether or not I purchase the electric ice cream maker or the rolly ball type ice cream maker is the next decision!!
For $48.49- Cuisinart 1-1/2-Quart Automatic Ice Cream Maker
For $19.50- Play and Freeze Ice Cream Maker (The Ice Cream Ball)
And of course we already have the SpongeBob SquarePants Sno Cone Maker$14.99 but the Nostalgia Cotton Candy Maker
has definitely caught my eye! ($39.95) How much fun would it be to make cotton candy at birthday parties?!?!
And of course, a special treat for the adults, or for everyone if you make them virgin!! The Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker looks so easy to use and how delicious would a strawberry 'rita be this summer on a hot day!!?? And like I said, you can always make them virgin to please everyone!!
Mmm that concoction maker sounds perfect for summertime!
Off topic but I think I was kicked out of the Extraordinary Mothers forum! I hadn't checked in for a while b/c I'm in the middle of moving.
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