Boogery Noses Love Boogie Wipes
So far, my kids haven't been the overly snotty type of kids. Nothing like those kids who CONSTANTLY has snot running out of his nose, grossing everyone out, wiping their face on their sleeve... ewh... but Lil' Buddy does get a bit of nose crunchies after he's been crying crying crying... When I was able to try out Boogie Wipes, I was so happy cause a wipe made specifically for those lil noses would be great, but how was it going to work? Tissues are too rough for for lil' noses, baby wipes are for tushies, but Boogie Wipes are for noses!!Boogie Wipes are made especially for little noses, with natural saline that dissolves mucus, what can be easier? Boogie Wipes are also hypoallergenic, alcohol-free, moisturize with vitamin E, aloe and chamomile and phthalate and paraben free!
I used the Boogie Wipes on Lil' Buddy's face and nose after he'd had a crying fit... mama cant leave the room without it happening... and they worked so well! I was concerned though, since he has a scratch on his nose, would it sting? But of course not! He had no problems with the Boogie Wipes and didn't pitch a fit when I used them right on his scratch!
Like I've said before, I use everything for many more uses than they are supposed to be for. So I put the Boogie Wipes to the test, just like I do with so many other things. After using them on Lil' Buddy's nose, and seeing how well that they worked, I used one on his hands after he ate a teething biscuit. The Boogie Wipes worked well to removing the sticky crumbs from the "cookie!"
Boug even let me wipe her nose with a Boogie Wipe after she got a little sniffle from running around in the chilly (almost) spring air! Not hearing a 4 year old complain is a wonderful thing!!
Need to know where to get yourself some Boogie Wipes? You can search by state on their site, and they are available at some big name retailers, like Babies R Us, Wal-Mart and Bed, Bath & Beyond!
Big thanks to the Boogie Moms, Mindee and Julie, for coming up with a great safe and innovative product to make lives a bit easier!! They've even won awards- iParenting media award, the baby planners seal of approval, savvy mommy seal of approval and the Mom's Best Award!
Want to win some Boogie Wipes for your little snotball? I've got 3-30 count (fresh, grape & magic menthol) packages of Boogie Wipes up for grabs, along with a Boogie Kid t-shirt! To enter, leave a comment with who in your life needs a lil' Boogie Wipe!
Extra Entries? Follow or subscribe to A Couch With A View. Link to this giveaway on your blog. Follow CaseyDeuce on Twitter and tweet this giveaway. Add my button or the Extraordinary Mothers button to your blog. And for every $1 donated to the BlogHer '09 fund will get you an extra entry too, just leave a comment for each $1 donated!!
This giveaway will accept entries until noon on Saturday, April 4th. Please make sure your email address is accessible from your blogger profile or leave it in the comment. Winners will be drawn with and emailed. Winners will have 3 days to reply to the winning email or else prize will be forfeited and a new winner will be drawn. Please remember, if I can't contact you, how can you win??
My two daughters can definitely use these. Sounds like a great product
My son still has his new born congestion (as the doctor calls it) he sneezes and out come the boogies, so we could use it for us!!!
certainly my grandson
My one year old who is now learning to drink from a cup and making huge messes...i know loads of fun right??!!!lol.
my kids could use boogie wipes
The special needs kids I take care of could use these at times.
My grandson for sure.
My son needs them!! Thanks!
hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com
I follow you!
hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com
My kids and my husband- his allergies are driving him nuts.
What a great idea....can't say my kiddos are overly snotty-types either...but who doesn't need a boogie-wipe once in a while!!!! =)
My son ... ugh
My son ~smile~
lilacbutterfly [at]
My poor daughter has been sick all week. Her boogies are getting kind of crusty now (sorry for the visual) and she could sure use these!
Oh goodness, was just thinking about this today when son had to keep wiping his nose!
Are you kidding? I have three grandchildren under the age of three...they ALL need Boogie Wipes! Help!
my little man hates the nose sucker so i try the alternatives. sounds great
My daughter would LOVE this.
ktgonyea at
My son could could use them right now. He has has a cold for a week now. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I'm following you!
My son's entire PRE-K class could use these and I'm sure his teacher would love them as much as I do!!! =)
my daughter who is 7 could use these-she doesn't always blow her nose as well as she should and her nose often gets red and raw from all the tissues she uses and she complains it hurts! Plus I have a new grandbaby on the way too, so he could use them as well.
micaela6955 at msn dotc om
I follow!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
My 2-year old snot factory could use these.
Thanks for the giveaway!
my little nephew could use this! thanks! yyeres(at)gmail(dot)com
My two stinky, snotty sons! ;)
My little granddaughter
this would be great on the go with my 17 month old grandson.
My daughters need Boogie Wipes. The baby needs them b/c she is always conjested, and my older daughter needs them b/c she will never let me spray saline in her nose, and the Boggie Wipes gets it done without her screaming. Thanks!
My little 2 year old son needs Boogie Wipes like nobody's business!!! Why? Well...he has allergies very badly, and enlarged adnoids. This causes him to constantly have a runny nose much of the the springtime especially! And to make it worse...he has eczema that breaks out on his cheeks often...the boogers that get on his face irritate the eczema and then he looks terrible and has an itchy rashy face AND a boogie nose!!!
I have your button on my blog
I follow you on Twitter and Tweeted!
My two year old son definitely needs some of these right now!
I have a 7 yr old, 5 yr old, 2 yr old, and one about to be born...take your pick of who needs them lol.
My 4 year old son....we call him bugger boy...I think you get the idea! :)
i follow and subscribe
my 4 and 2 yr old needs this. They are in daycare and seem to catch something from the other kids.
My son Mr. Booger Boy could use these. He has serious nose issues.
my grandson!
tiramisu392 (at)
My booger boy could use these. (Who knows? I might try them during allergy season too!!)
My son does! He's 1 and he gets snotty nose a lot.
I would love the chance to win, thanks.
my daughter could use a boogie wipe! lol. very cute!
My granddaughter who has a very bad cold.
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net
My 22 month old! Thanks for the chance.
I follow!!! Thanks.
oh my daughter hates tissues and i have used these before with lots of success, thanks
My 3 year old definately needs a boogie wipe now and again...He actually has a cold right now and could really use some now...
I'm a follower :o)
My daughter can definately use this product. I make sure her nose is clean before she gets out of the car for school. This would be very helpful to keep right in the center console of the car.
Follwo your blog.
I have your button
My preschool class needs boogie wipes. They are ewwie.
I am following you and I twittered at qwills2cats
My Wee Man and Lil Kiwi need Boogie Wipes... and with the weather we are having those noses keep running
My daughter...she is almost three and has more drama in her life than a 16 year old...she can pull out the crocodile tears when ever she wants...and of course the snot that goes with them
My 20 month old could really use these.He has allergies and for the last 2 months has constantly had a runny nose.Thanks!
All of us have allergies year round -- lots of boogies and dried on messes here! Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway!
My youngest has sinus problems and could use these.
My toddler could use a boogie wipe!
My friend could use Boogie Wipes.
Georgie needs alot of these wipes, thanks. skyxsky27(at)
Following A Couch With A View as 'Taylor'.
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