Think. Bubble. Do.
Oh Bubble Planner... How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
You tell me at the site that the Bubble Planner helps to-
- Connect to Your Dreams
- Break through procrastination
- Have peace with your decisions
- Feel in control of your schedule
- Achieve more of what you really want
- Attract the very best into your life
Yeah, yeah, yeah... I got sappy there for a minute! But for real. The Bubble Planner ROCKS! What a huge help in making me feel more organized!! I'm one of these people who need to physically WRITE things down... can you believe that? With all the technology at our hands these days and I still write things down... but writing things down on paper anchors you and there is no backspace or delete key once its written down.

Using the Bubbles for Busy Moms planner, with pages like the "family goals" really helped me see how much I was forgetting about, and the "task management" pages made it so much easier for me t

The Bubble Planner people didn't stop with the actual Bubble Planners, they even have the most awesome "grocery list" notepad that helped me so much on my most recent trip to the store. My list is usually on a crumpled up piece of paper, all disorganized and I usually end up going over-budget. The grocery list notepad kept me organized, with clean and neat lines, where I was actually able to read and focus on my own handwriting!

Every mom, no matter how busy, needs the Bubbles for Busy Moms planner!! Its just too hard sometimes to figure out when and how to get everything done in any given day and this just helps so much!!
Head over to the Bubble Planner site and check out the Bubbles for Busy Moms, the grocery list notepad and all the other fabulous organizational products that they have!!
Big thanks to Extraordinary Mothers and Bubble Planners for giving this unorganized chick the help she needed!
I have entire daily life is a bubble planner in my head! LOL! )
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