Fantastic Mr. Fox
I'm such a big fan of movies that are done from books, especially books that I love. Fantastic Mr. Fox, which was originally a Roald Dahl book, was done perfectly, without one let down. Now as aweful as it sounds, this was a movie that I desperately wanted to see *gasp* by myself. No kids in tow. So being able to pop it in the DVD player and watch it once everyone went to bed was a real treat for me.
From 20th Century Fox:Being a Clooney fan, I don't think that I could have picked a better Mr. Fox myself. Reading the book and pairing a voice in my head all these years, the ever-so-talented Mr. Clooney fit the voice perfectly. Same goes for the timeless Meryl Streep!
George Clooney and Meryl Streep lend their voices to this hilarious and heartwarming animated adventure from visionary director Wes Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Fox (Clooney and Streep) live a happy home life with their eccentric son Ash (Jason Schwartzman) and visiting nephew Kristopherson. That is until Mr. Fox slips into his sneaky, old ways and plots the greatest chicken heist the animal world has ever seen. Based on the beloved, best-selling book by Roald Dahl (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), Fantastic Mr. Fox is family fun at its finest.
Sometimes I think that we've been spoiled with technology, computer animation and whatnot has changed the way that we've seen movies for a while now. With Wes Anderson bringing in the stop-motion animation to bring Fantastic Mr. Fox to life, its like seeing a movie in a whole new way. Its refreshing and engaging, and its definitely appreciated!
Fantastic Mr. Fox

My family and I watched this movie together and really enjoyed it. Of course we didn't watch it with a lot of children around. It has a lot of subtle humor that you have to watch for. I would buy this DVD. It is worth owning. Bill Murray is great as well. I didn't see you mention him. I loved all the voices. Great movie if you appreciate this type of humor. Very well done.
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