Cleaning smarter with Seventh Generation
Spring is here! Spring is here! Along with all the fabulous flowers and fresh air, it also brings the often dreaded "spring cleaning." I, more often than not, HATE spring cleaning. I can never seem to get organized enough, I get distracted easily by silly things and I'd much rather spend my time outside on the gorgeous days versus staying indoors to clean. This year, I'm cleaning smarter, not longer.
Seventh Generation and their products make me feel like I'm making smarter choices for my cleaning, since their products are non-toxic and safer for the environment. I never realized that thymol was a part of the herb thyme, yet even though its a natural product, it can kill over 99.99% of germs, and are effective against flu virus germs- including the H1N1!
Reducing indoor air pollution by switching to cleaning products without VOC's is now high on my list of ways to clean smarter too. I'm thinking that something as simple as that is a great start to being smarter. I never thought about what I was cleaning my counters with either, and how those harsh chemical cleaners might leave a residue, and to think I was prepping food there afterwards. Switching to a "no-rinse" step cleaner for my counters is definitely something I'll be doing as well!Want to win a Seventh Generation Disinfecting Cleaning Kit? Leave a comment with what your biggest cleaning obstacle is! This kit includes two rolls of recycled unbleached paper towels, a disinfecting multisurface cleaner, bathroom cleaner, wipes, a cleaning caddy made of recycled plastic and a copy of The Conscious Kitchen.
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- Follow CaseyDeuce on twitter and tweet this giveaway.
- Become a fan of Seventh Generation on Facebook, leave a message on the wall saying you came from A Couch With A View.
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- Post about this giveaway on your blog!
- If you don't have a blog, you can gain extra entries by emailing a friend about this giveaway! Just CC me in your email!
This giveaway will accept entries until 11:59 pm on Saturday, April 17th. U.S. entrants only please. Winner will be drawn with and emailed. Winner must reply within 48 hours to winning email or a new winner will be drawn. Please make sure that your email is accessible, whether in the comment or a blogger profile, cause if I cant contact you, how can you win?

I received a Seventh Generation Disinfecting Cleaning Kit to help aid in my review through MyBlogSpark. This in no way changes the way I feel about the products or company.
My biggest cleaning obstacle is keeping the bathroom clean - it's never ending!!
hi_joan_elliott at hotmail dot com
My biggest cleaning obstacle is laundry. It is just never ending.
My biggest cleaning obstacle is me! I just don't want to do it!
My biggest cleaning obstacle is the bathtub.
my biggest obsticle is going around the cats...always in the way
Biggest cleaning obstacle is 3 kids and a husband who all seem to have problems picking up after themselves.
I'm a fb fan of Seventh Generation.
I'm a fb fan of A Couch With A View - Jill L
Follow with GFC - Chip
It's a combo of dishes and laundry; they're both neverending, it seems!
I have trouble getting the grime out of the crevices in my shower
autumn398 @
I have to clean the shower stall
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My biggest cleaning obstacle is getting started (since I hate cleaning!). Then, it's keeping going... you get the picture. I also hate cleaning the bathroom and dusting! And, it seems like things get dustier quicker now.
My biggest obstacle is keeping up with the animal hair on the hardwood floors.
my biggest cleaning obstacle is the kitchen, i mean seriously is there never a clean glass? it seems its a all day everyday in the kitchen!!
i am a email subscriber
became a fan of seventh generation on facebook told was there from couch with a view, traci smith
already your fan on facebook, traci smith
following 7th generation on twitter as tracisme123
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My biggest cleaning challenge is cleaning the grime out of the bathtub.
My biggest battle is keeping the floors clean, especially in the kitchen. Thanks.
follow Seventh Generation on Twitter, partymix25
My biggest cleaning obstacle is my husband. He's a good man but he's something of a clutter bug, and he likes to leave his "projects" spread out everywhere. It's hard to clean around them.
My biggest obstacle is drinks being spilled on my carpet...especially juice or kool-aid! UGH!
I subscribe to A Couch With A View.
I'm a fan of Seventh Generation on Facebook. I left a message on their wall telling them I came from A Couch With A View.
I'm a facebook fan of a Couch with a View. ID: Merrie L.
I follow Seventh Generation on Twitter. Username: mjl6mom2
I emailed friends and cc'd you.
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My biggest obstacle is cleaning the bathroom. I share it with 3 other college students. Sometimes it gets so yuck!
I'm an email subscriber!
I follow seventh generation on twitter!
blogged about the giveaway
My biggest cleaning obstacle is keeping clutter off the counters and tables. Keeping them clean is easy if they are empty, but usually all my hubby's stuff ends up piled on them.
My biggest cleaning obstacle is my pets. They make such a mess all the time. It is non stop.
gfc followr
My biggest obstacle is dog hair!
My biggest obstacle is my 3 kids!
logan 4301 at yahoo dot com
Following your blog
logan 4301 at yahoo dot com
My biggest obstacle would be the bathroom, where do you start? One day I will master the art of cleaning it.
I follow your blog.
My biggest obstacle is getting the piles of clothes off my floor
My biggest cleaning obstacle is my wood floors. They constantly attract dust
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I follow Casey Deuce on twitter and tweeted
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I'm a fan of Seventh Generation on facebook (Jessica Wagner) and let them know that you sent me
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I'm a facebook fan of Couch With a View (Jessica Wagner)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I follow Seventh Generation through twitter (@jjak2003)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I hate washing the kitchen floor. Someone is always spilling something and it then catches all the dirt wherever spots get missed on cleanup.
Google Friends Connect follower
Fanned Seventh Generation on FB and told them you sent me
Seventh Gen Twitter Follower - @Ziggywag
My biggest obstacle is my kids. lol
I'm a follower on google friends.
Mine is mopping..I hate it, takes too long and just dirty water everywhere!
cleaning up cat hork.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
My biggest cleaning problem is the bathroom - it just doesn't stay clean!
My biggest cleaning obstacle is just doing it--I hate to clean, but I also hate dirt!
cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com
my house is fairly large so the obstacle is keeping up with it. every time i get a room clean the next one's dirty!
My biggest problem is my toilets in the bathroom and the kitchen counter tops.
I am a subscriber.
I am a fan of Seventh Generation on Facebook (Tamara Bennington)
The windows !!! They are just so time consuming !
ktgonyea at
My biggest obstacle is cleaning my tub
I blogged
Don't know how it escapes the tube, but the toothpaste clings to sinks and counters.
email subscriber
Windows, they never stay clean
rhondastruthers at yahoo dot ca
I subscribe to couch with a view
rhondastruthers a tyahoo dot ca
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rhondastruthers atyahoo dot ca
My biggest cleaning obstacle is cat hair and litter tracking.
the bathroom.. i hate cleaning it
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
I work from home, so I never escape it. I always think clean house or make a dollar.
Keeping up with the dishes! Where do they all come from!? lol
I follow Seventh Generation on Twitter (@erikaelizabeth)
My biggest cleaning obstacle is two teenage boys, there is no way to keep up with the messes they make and the huge piles of laundry they create!
I follow A Couch With A View with google friend connect.
I follow you on twitter(terri142)and tweeted!
I am a facebook fan of A Couch With A View!
I follow Seventh Generation on twitter.(terri142)
My biggest obstacle is my reluctance to clean.
Following caseydeuce on twitter as ky2here1, here's my tweet:
Also following seventhgen on twitter as ky2here1.
Ceiling fans and the shelf above my closet. I am not too steady on a ladder and have to get assistance for those areas.
Biggest cleaning obstacle would be the bathroom tub, ugh
I am subscribed by google reader- rss
I have a hard time keeping up with my shedding cat.
Email subscriber.
I follow Seventh Generation on Twitter(samasam).
Definitely the shower - hard on my back.
My biggest cleaning obstacle is always the shower/tub. It seems like it always needs cleaning and is such a pain to lean over to do.
My biggest cleaning obstacle is getting off my couch with a view much like yours :)
steffanie771 at hotmail dot com
My biggest cleaning obstacle is my basement and bedroom!
My biggest and most never ending cleaning obstacle would have to be my kitchen !
My biggest cleaning obstacle is our hall bathroom. I am married with 2 sons & needless to say it's hard to keep the bathroom clean :)
My biggest cleaning obstacle is the baseboards in my house...
Would love to win !!!
My biggest cleaning obstacle is two cats and all theit fur. Thanks.
Our kitchen is all grouted unsanded tile. It likes to absorb. Lemon juice, microfiber towels and Mr. Clean erasers have been my friends.
My biggest cleaning obstacle would be our basement. Too much junk!
My biggest cleaning obstacle is the grout around my tub.
GFC follower.
Keeping the bathroom clean especially with children is my biggest obstacle
facebook fan of Seventh Generation
follow you on twitter susan1215
follow you on facebook
Keeping up with the kids bathroom is a challenge!
Google Follower. ladyt64
I follow Seventh Generation on Twitter. ladyt64
Cleaning the bottom of the shower stall is the biggest problem I have. Thanks!
In reality, my biggest obstacle is my reluctance to do it!! I hate cleaning. But since you probably mean a room, I'll have to say the bathroom. Hate that most of all! Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net
Follower (pamelashockley) on GFC
Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net
shower tile to stay clean
follow them on twitter @majameza
my biggest obstacle is the kitchen--the floor is this awful tile that I literally have to scrub on my hands and knees to keep clean!
apsychmommy at gmail dot com
I follow 7th generation on twitter
My biggest cleaning obstacle is getting soap scum out of the shower.
My biggest cleaning obstacle is keeping the dog hair picked up. Seems like he is always shedding.
My biggest cleaning obstacle is laziness, plain and simple. I know it needs to be done, I just don't want to do it.
My biggest cleaning obstacle is keeping the carpet clean.
biggest obstacle is the bathroom ty.
my biggest cleaning obstacle is
cleaning the toilet and bathtub
because I have hard water
I subscribe via email
Thanks for the giveaway...our biggest cleaning obstacle would have to be our all tile bathrooms / showers !
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
Following via Twitter: @brianpiero
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
Follow Seventh Generation on Twitter: @brianpiero
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com of Seventh Generation on Facebook: "Bryan Eason"
Following and Tweet:Swtlilchick
Biggest cleaning obstacle is my broken tile floor in the bathroom. It is cracked and the grout is all broken out. We need to replace it sometime but what a job that will be. Very hard to clean in that broken grout!
spencer1953 at gmail dot com-carol.
Follow you-carol or carol lewis.
I am a fan of Seventh Generation on Facebook and left message
(Charlene Kuser)
I follow and tweet!~
Become a fan of Seventh Generation on Facebook-carol yerby lewis and left message.
I am a fan of A Couch With A View on Facebook (Charlene Kuser)
Facebook fan of yours-carol yerby lewis.
Follow Seventh Generation on Twitter!~dresdenrain.
Following Seventh Generation on Twitter (Swtlilchick)
I blogged here:
My biggest obstacle is other family members who refuse to pick up after themselves.
Keeping any area of the house clean for 5 minutes. With so many kids I think it might be impossible LOL
My biggest cleaning obstacle is finding time to do it all.
I subscribed to your blog.
I became a fan of Seventh Generation on Facebook and let them know you sent me.
My biggest obstacle is finding the time to keep up
My biggest obstacle is cats. I love them, but they do make a mess.
The bathroom is tough to keep up with.
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