Thursday, January 14, 2010

Starting the day off right with General Mills

Each and every year, I tell myself that I'm going to get into better shape. Each and every year, I fail miserably because I try and take on too much too quickly, it becomes overwhelming and frustrating and I've realized that the smaller steps in life take you much further, at least in my scenario. General Mills is one of those companies that I feel like I can put "on my side" when it comes to making the small changes to get my ball rolling. Of course the little changes that I make for myself, aren't only a benefit to me, they help my husband, and of course, most importantly- the kids.

Cereal & Health
I hate to jam myself full of sugary cereals, but they're definitely one of my weaknesses. Cereal is my midnight, occasionally 1 am, snack, and Boug asks for it specifically for breakfast at least 5 of the 7 days a week. Of course, I definitely don't want to send her to school all hopped up on a sugary cereal, but I do want to give her foods that I know she enjoys, and thankfully General Mills cereals are some of our favorites. Cereals in general are a great source of vitamins, minerals and other great nutrients. With the whole grain varieties that are available, the less sugar that's getting into most cereals, I feel good about serving them to the family, and naturally- scarfing down my own cereal while I try to get on the right track with my own diet.

Regardless of what it is you eat for breakfast, its important to eat breakfast, isn't that a "golden rule" or something? Kids who eat breakfast preform better at school studes show, score higher on tests, have less tardyness, and less discipline problems among other benefits. Gotta love how eating something as easy as cereal can help with all that!!

Click through here to get a $1 off coupon for one of four General Mills cereals!!

Opinions are my own, I was provided items free of charge to review (through coupons from General Mills, via MyBlogSpark), though in no way changed the way I feel about the product and company!


KarieK January 15, 2010 at 11:24 AM  

I love me some cereal....but mine is Post Honey Bunches of Oats...I know...I fail. But the kids love Cheerios.

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