Monday Mingle
Big thanks once again to Speedy for being our gracious host of Monday Mingle! Want to participate? Head over to Eighty MPH Mom and link up!!
MM 1/11/10 from CaseyDeuce on Vimeo.
Could I look any skankier?? Ewh..
You must pardon Lil' Buddy's appearances in this video. He's a camera hog.

I am so jealous about Blogher. All you guys are going. Whaaaaa! Perhaps if they hold Blogher in Austin, I'll be able to attend. :)
Your little guy is practicing for his acting career and the amount of time he has to spend in front of the camera.
skanky is not the word I use to describe you.. silly girl!
Here's hoping the BlogHer comes back to my side of the country and then maybe my chances of going will increase.
He is a cutie!
Awwww... your little guy is so cute. My girls always grab the camera from me too.
Wow, you've been on long road trips.
I am looking forward to BlogHer in NY too. (But I still have to buy my ticket too.)
My mingle is at
Talk soon,
Dood I love are so gorgeous in the morning I am so scary! LOL I love your face. Look at the little cute especially for just waking up. WOOT the LeBaron! Those were the bomb sister.
OH EM GEE I just heard your accent...that NY twang! he is so cute Casey....I love that age and all the mouth breathing! You have to come west side fo sho!
Casey!! I laughed so hard...your little guy is adorable!! I do remember that age though and it brought back some memories. You are SO patient. He was fascinated!
I cannot wait to meet you at BlogHer - we are going to have a blast. Get your ticket woman!
I've only been to a handful of states, I am slightly jealous LOL
Oh - I just might shoot you an email about NYC. I have no idea about anything there, so I might need some help!
Thanks for mingling!
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