Healthy (Tuna) Start!!
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of All opinions are 100% mine.
There's enough that's confusing when you're pregnant and deciding what to eat isn't supposed to be one of those things. Its almost like, when you're pregnant, you should really be able to treat yourself to whatever you feel like, but some things have been known to be off limits. And even with things that have been said to be off limits, that isn't always the case, and definitely shouldn't be the case with most seafood. Lets get it straight. Stay away from seafood that is high in mercury, like swordfish, mackerel, shark etc, but by all means, eat eat eat! other seafood!! Don't cut it out!!
When I was pregnant with Buddy is when I actually embraced seafood, it was wonderful, glorious and always answered the cravings that I had with him. Boug was another story- she was strictly an ice pop and pb & j craving maker. Finding out that taking seafood out of your diet while pregnant can actually make women depressed shocked me! Hell hath no fury like a depressed or angry pregnant woman!!
An extremely easy way for pregnant women to get in their seafood is as simple as tuna fish. Also, being able to carry on your tuna recipes once your kids are big enough to enjoy them is awesome too. There's so much out there that you can do with tuna to get your healthy tuna in, pregnant or not. Something as easy as making tuna patty burgers, kind of like a crab cake, is a yummalicious way to sneak some extra tuna into your diet! The omega-3's, (and not to mention the protein, vitamin D, selenium and more) in healthy tuna keep the heart and brain healthy, and where better to start off healthy then in the womb?

i grew up hating sea-food...but now I know it's because my mom didn't know how to cook it...she made it taste horrible! Now we in our family are all sea-food lovers! My 4 year old asks for sushi whenever he gets the chance to! It cracks me up!
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