It's National Coffee Day!!
I love any chance to celebrate the fabulousness that is coffee!! Today, September 29th, is National Coffee Day!! Now, I love me a good cup of coffee, and making coffee with crappy water never makes for a good cup o' joe. Buying lots of bottled water ends up being so expensive, and I know this because I've gone through so much simply by making my coffee and getting my caffeine fix.
PUR Water Filtration systems are awesome because in the long run, they save you so much money versus buying bottled water. With the PUR one-click faucet mount, you can start your day off right, with a fabulous tasting cup of coffee, while you remove 99.9% of microbial cysts and reduce so many other contaminants. In another way, you save lots of bottles from ending up in landfills and you save yourself money too, so what's not to love about that?? Even more to love? The PUR one-click faucet mount is just that easy to install, its ONE CLICK and completely usable! Nothing complicated at all, which I completely adore!!
Want to celebrate National Coffee Day with a chance to win a PUR one-click faucet mount? Leave a comment here with what kind of water you use to make your java at home!! Bottled? Tap? Only get coffee at a shop?
Extra Entries??
- Follow or Subscribe to A Couch With A View
- Follow CaseyDeuce on twitter and tweet this giveaway.
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- Post my button on your blog.
- Add my text link to your blogroll:
- Post about this giveaway on your blog!
- If you don't have a blog, you can gain extra entries by emailing a friend about this giveaway! Just CC me in your email!
This giveaway will accept entries until 11:59 pm on Wednesday, October 16th. Winner will be drawn with and emailed. Winner must reply within 48 hours to winning email or a new winner will be drawn. Please make sure that your email is accessible, whether in the comment or a blogger profile, cause if I cant contact you, how can you win?

I received the PUR one-click faucet mount to aid in my review, which in no way changed the way I feel about the product. My opinions are my opinions.
use a tap
I use tap water.
I use filtered tap water from a pitcher.
jas8929 at gmail dot com
I use tap water.
We use bottled spring water. Thanks for the chance at winning.
Following on twitter and tweeted:
We use tap.
Just plain Tap Water.
Thanks for the chance.
I use plain old tap water when making my coffee. Thanks
lossewilwarin (at) gmail (dotcom)
We use a Brita water filter jug.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I use my tap water
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
following and tweet
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
fan of A Couch With A View on Facebook.
Karen Medlin
karenmed409 at comcast dot net
I use bottled water.
I love my coffee! I use tap water to make it.
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I follow your blog.
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I follow on Twitter (lipstickncandy)
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I'm a Facebook fan (Amber H)
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I use pitcher filtered tap water.
I use bottled water - but hate the thought of plastic bottle touching thw water. Of course we recycle them.
We just use regular tap water
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I follow through google friend connect
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I like you on facebook (Jessica Miller)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Awesome contest! Thanks for entering me!
Janna Johnson
follow and tweeted
i use filtered tap water.rob,
tap water!
chrisny2(at) aol(dot) com
tap-well water :)
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
a fan on FB :)
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
follow via GFC :)
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
I use tap water filtered in a Brita pitcher
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
I use tap water.
follow GFC
Filtered tap water
fan of Couch With A View
I use tap water. Thank you for the great give-away.
use tap water to make coffee
follow on goggle friend
follow on twitter tweetedLatest: less than 5 seconds ago
like you on facebook
I use tap water for coffee but can't stand to drink water from the tap!
just regular old tap water :(
ducksauc3d (at) gmail (dotcom)
I use tap water.
liked 'a couch with a view' on facebook.
We use tap water
We use filtered water from a pitcher.
davisbride09 at gmail dot com
Awesome blog and thanks for the giveaway!
Would love, love, LOVE to win this!
Use tap.
I use tap water
Diane Baum
I use both tap and bottled.
magicacorns at
I use tap water at home for brewing!
trippyjanet at hotmail dot com
To make coffee I just use tap water.
We use tap water.
melissamcnicol at yahoo dot com
We use tap water. Though, we usually drink water from our Brita pitcher.
Unfiltered tap for the time being. Thanks!
I use tapwater.
I use tap water, thanks!
We use the filtered water from the fridge dispenser.
Like you on Facebook (SusanBenegas)
We drink tap water coffee at home. :)
We use refrigerator filter water on our coffee.
We use tap water, but my husband hates it.
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)
Follow and Subscribe to A Couch With A View
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)
fan of A Couch With A View on Facebook.
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)
I always use tap water to make coffee at home. Thanks for the contest! codisweepstakes2 (@) gmail(dot)com
I subscribe to your blog's content via email. codisweepstakes2 (@) gmail(dot)com
I follow you on twitter (un:codisweepstakes) & tweeted: codisweepstakes2 (@) gmail(dot)com
I'm a fan of you via Facebook. un:codipayne codisweepstakes2 (@) gmail(dot)com
I use regular tap water for my coffee
I follow with GFC
I use bottled water.
I'm a follower of your blog.
I'm a fan of A Couch With A View on Facebook - Geri N.
Using tap water, yucko!
I'm subscribed.,
I'm a fan of A Couch With A View on Emm Enger
I like you on facebook
ziggyga athotmaildot com
I use cold tap water to make coffee
ziggyga athotmaildot com
I use tap water
braaisjo at gmail dot com
I subscribe via Google reader
braaisjo at gmail dot com
I follow and tweeted
i use tap water
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
For both economic and environmental reasons, we swore off bottled water several years ago. Since then - for better or worse we use the tap...
Public Follower
I just use regular tap water.
I folow on twitter as willitara.
I just use plain old tap water.
fatmeatloaf1 at gmail dot com
Following you publicly via GFC.
fatmeatloaf1 at gmail dot com
Following you on Twitter and tweeted-
we use plain ole tap water
google friend klp1965 klp1965(AT)myfairpoint(DOTNET)
like you on facebook kathy l pease klp1965(AT)myfairpoint(DOTNET)
I use tap water. fatally_flayed at yahoo dot com.
I am a GFC follower. SalanderServant
Follow you on Twitter (Fatally_Flayed) and tweeted here.
I like you on FB. SalanderServant
We use tap water.
I use plain, old tap water to make my coffee.
I follow via GFC.
I'm a fan on facebook. sarah lynn
I follow on twitter. @citygrlathrt
Thanks for the giveaway...we use tap water to make coffee !
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
Following you via Twitter: @brianpiero
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
I use Great Value distilled water with my coffee. Thank you.
I use a Brita filter pitcher to make my tea (no coffee for me, thanks).
I try to stay away from bottled water.
This will be easier than what I have now. Thanks for the contest.
twitter follow you: Slehan
emailed 2 friends, CC'd you.
I don't drink coffee, but I usually make my tea with tap water. I figure if I'm boiling it, it'll be okay. For anything else, I use distilled.
I use tap water for everything.
We use tap water.
We use tap.
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