Saturday, September 18, 2010

30 Days of Truth. Day 3.

To go along with all this self-support, I've found a few friends participating in the 30 Days of Truth and I think it could be quite beneficial to me to participate as well. I think it'll let me in on who I am, and it'll be a bit of self discovery. You can find the daily questions over at Angel Believes.

Day 3:
Something You Have To Forgive Yourself For

I must learn to forgive myself for letting my marriage get too far gone. I always wanted to see myself ending up with one person for the rest of my life, be married, raise my kids, retire and see the world evolve all with that same person. This didn't happen and I do beat myself up for it quite a bit. I do think that there were more efforts on my end that could have been made to save my marriage, but who is to say that those same efforts would be reciprocated from my ex-husbands end? Fact of it all is, there's no way to change the way things happened, there's no way to know the way things could have been.


Anonymous,  October 20, 2010 at 9:03 PM  
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