Wednesday, September 29, 2010

30 Days of Truth. Day 14.

To go along with all this self-support, I've found a few friends participating in the 30 Days of Truth and I think it could be quite beneficial to me to participate as well. I think it'll let me in on who I am, and it'll be a bit of self discovery. You can find the daily questions over at Angel Believes.

Day 14:
A Hero That Has Let You Down (a letter)

Dear Me,
I have always tried to hold myself to a high standard, I have always tried to be my own hero. Its gotten to the point where I've realized that I'm not quite as strong as I think I am. I'm really good to know that I can pretend, put on my happy face and make believe that I'm alright, that I'm strong. I know its not true. I'm a lot less strong than I thought that I was and in that regard I have let myself down daily. I'm slowly working myself back up, but I know I'll never be what I thought that I was. Its change. Its growth.


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