BlogHer 10, a look back...
I know its taken me some time to get this post together, but you know how life goes. BlogHer '10 was only a short time after I moved into the new place and to run off for a long weekend without being completely unpacked, and come back and get right back into the swing of work and life, I feel like time has been passing by too quickly.
Let me first start off by saying, I absolutely LOVE my friends. I love them. There's so much that blogging is about, but the friendships that I've made over the years goes so much further than a lot that it entails. Sarah, Liz and I were roomies again this year and we had a blast spending time together. We vented, we laughed, we cried, we goofed off and simply had an amazing time just being with each other.Meeting some of the new people that I met was awesome as well! Not only was I stoked to simply meet them, I was able to work with Stuck on You USA again this year, and I was able to give out some cards for bloggers to get in on a super cool affiliate program with Stuck on You. I loved that I was able to share that with people who I know could totally benefit from it. (and yes, you can still hit me up if you are looking for this info!!)
There was the parties that simply rocked, the giggles, the out-to-dinners, fully equipped with singing waitstaff, and so much more. I was super stoked that BlogHer was in NYC this year, and to learn that its in Cali next year is cool too. NYC was just a quick train ride south for me, so money was saved this year, and I'm sure I'll make up the difference next year when I dish it out to head to Cali. There's no way that I could miss it for anything.
Friendships evolved. New friendships began. Bonding occurred. Insight given and taken. A release.