Monday, June 28, 2010

Pampering with Touch'd

Life has gotten the best of me lately, and its the little things that I can do for myself that keep me rolling on. I've forgotten at times how nice it is to put myself first for a minute. I was able to try out the sugar scrub from the new Touch'd line from Rachel Ferrucci and it was the little bit of pampering that I needed to bring myself back.

Touch'd Sugar Scrub was what I needed to get myself feeling fabulous to step out on a summer night. I used it before putting on a new dress and hitting the town with my ladies for a bachelorette party. I scrubbed my legs with the sugar scrub before shaving and I felt so good about myself!! The sugar scrub is organic and pulled off all the dead skin, leaving me feeling soft and smooth!

You can treat yourself to some fabulous Touch'd products with a 25% off code, use code COUCH with your purchase to receive the discount!!

Want to win a Touch'd Bath Butter?? Head over to the Touch'd site and browse, let me know which scent for the bath butter you'd like!

Extra Entries??

This giveaway will accept entries until 11:59 pm on Friday, July 9th. Winner will be drawn with and emailed. Winner must reply within 48 hours to winning email or a new winner will be drawn. Winner can not have won another Touch'd giveaway. Please make sure that your email is accessible, whether in the comment or a blogger profile, cause if I cant contact you, how can you win?

I received the Touch'd Sugar Scrub to aid in my review, which in no way changed the way I feel about the product. All opinions are my own.

Friday, June 18, 2010

I've never owned a brand new...


Isn't that sad? At 27 (almost 28) years old, I've always slept on a hand-me-down mattress from my mom? I couldn't tell you the last time I had a new sheet set or a new comforter. These are the little things that I've never done for myself because there was always something more important to purchase, a bill to pay, or something needed for the kids.

Well guess what... I bought myself a new mattress the other day. Now the worst part of it is, I haven't even slept on it yet!! I won't have it in my possession until I actually move into the new place, but Lordy Lordy, I cannot wait to sleep on a brand new mattress!! I got so excited about it, that I put some of my acquired codes to good use and splurged on a new comforter set.

(Shown is the comforter set that I ordered, I can't wait to curl up in my new blankies!!)

I decided with my husband that he could have the bed frame, mattress and box spring in this split. My father and I will be building a platform bed with storage for me to put my spankin' new mattress on. I've been sleeping on the couch since November and I seriously cannot wait to sprawl out in my new bed!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Snacking on Ritz Crackerfuls! (Save $1!!)

With this whole dieting thing I've been doing lately, I've been seeming to be stuck in ruts. I tend to keep reaching for the same snacks and whatnot, over and over again and its getting pretty boring. I tried out the new Ritz Crackerfuls and I'm so happy that they're a new item that I have been able to turn to to curb my crunchy, salty, crispy cravings!!

Crackerfuls are made with whole grains and real cheese so I don't feel like I'm eating overprocessed foods. They're also so convenient because they're individually wrapped packages, of course as a mom, I'm always in a rush and I love being able to toss them in my purse and have when I get a minute to slow down. And yes, the munchkins loved them too!! I've even tossed them in my purse to snack on while driving to work. Working in the restaurant, there's so much junk to eat, I love being able to snack on something beforehand to keep the temptations at bay.

When you head over to the Ritz Crackerfuls fan page on facebook, you can download a coupon for $1 off of the cheddar cheese and bacon variety! Gotta love being able to save a buck!

I received Ritz Crackerfuls to aid in my review, via One2One Network and was also entered into a drawing for a gift card for my opinions. My opinions are my own, take 'em or leave 'em.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

For my UK readers, shopping for baby bouncers

For my UK readers, I know many of you have children and babies as well as may be currently pregnant. You can order your baby bouncer needs from bouncer baby. Huge selections, some of the most popular styles, and great prices.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Great tunes with the SATC2 Soundtrack!

Sex and the City was one of these shows that came out and I was late jumping on the bandwagon for. But once I jumped on, I was stuck like glue. I watched the show religiously. I envied the ladies for being able to pull off the great fashion that they wore so effortlessly. I wished that I could write the way that Carrie wrote, I wished that I had the confidence that Samantha had, I wished that I was classy like Charlotte and I wished that I was successful like Miranda. I went out and saw the first movie quickly, but I've been so busy I haven't been able to see the newly released second movie. But sure enough, I'm getting a mini SATC fix by jamming out to the Sex and the City 2 movie soundtrack.

I'm not sure if there's really a track on here that doesn't fit the mood of the SATC ladies. All the songs just fit. I love the way the soundtrack all goes together perfectly, like a perfect playlist. A duet with Jennifer Hudson and Leona Lewis? Perfection. Alicia Keyes doing a Blondie cover? Couldn't be more fitting. But I can't not mention that the iconic Liza Minnelli has a cover of Beyonce's "Single Ladies" on this album. Of course there are so many other awesome songs on the album, but those are my "must mentionables."

Oh yes, and the bachelorette party that I'm attending next weekend, I'm definitely bringing this album into the limo with us. This is the perfect ladies night playlist!!

Click through to make your purchase of the Sex and the City 2: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

This review was written as part of a campaign with One2One Network. I received the album to help aid my review, which in no way changes the way that I feel about it. My opinions are my opinions, take 'em or leave 'em.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Camping during summer vacation!

Summer vacation is almost here for the kiddo and I'm keeping a running list of things that I can do with the kids this summer. I know I won't have a ton of money to hit all the little events and theme parks and stuff like that, so I'm thinking of different things that I can do with them that isn't going to cost me a ton out of my pocket.

Miss Boug and Lil' Buddy are bug lovers, outdoor lovers, dirt, muck and grime lovers. I've never seen two kids who are as outdoorsy as these two are at such young ages. I'm thinking camping is on the list of things that I can do with them this summer. I know how much the kids would enjoy it and I know that buying the supplies needed for camping will cost some money, but they will be things that I can use over and over again. Most importantly, I've been looking at camping tents over at Summit Camping Gear, and they have a lot of great options that would work so well for me. I know I'd only need a two or three person tent to fit the three of us comfortably and they have them at prices definitely in my range. Under one hundred dollars is a good thing!! Of course they have more options that are more money, but for what I need, I'm happy to find tents in my price range. For when Boug gets older, I'm going to be keeping in mind the kids tents so that way if she'd like to do a camp out with some of her friends, they can totally do it!!

I know the kids and I will be taking quite a few day trips to the local beaches around here for fun, and the beach tents that are available at Summit are super cool too. I know I'll feel better with one of these, knowing that Boug and Lil' Buddy can pop in there to take a break and get out of the sun.

Catching up...

I did a whole little vlog about life and what's going on and how I'm planning on catching up here at A Couch With A View. Would you think that I uploaded it? Nope. So now I guess I'll just retype what I said? Which is lazier?....

Life is changing. Overwhelmingly changing. I signed a lease and put down the security on an apartment. The nice thing is that the guy is going to let me move stuff in a little at a time over the month so that I wont have so much to do at the end of June. Which is a HUGE help. Its just kinda scary, I haven't lived alone in like 8 years. I know I wont be alone because I have kids, but they're different and they wont always be there. Thank goodness that my work schedule is what it is so hopefully I wont notice how lonely I'll be. We'll see.

I have a few posts to catch up on here, and I'm hoping to have them mostly wrapped up by the end of next week. There's some really great stuff coming up so that's something to keep an eye out for. I'm also starting to get a bit ansty, I'm so looking forward to BlogHer in August, and especially the fact that I don't have to fly to it this year, thank God. I miss my girlfriends!! And I can't wait to meet even more of the ladies that I've been talking to for so long. August isn't coming soon enough... I desperately need this break!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hampton Hotels Chain of Friends Sweepstakes!!

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Hampton Hotels. All opinions are 100% mine.


I've been actually looking a lot into hotels lately, with BlogHer coming up in just a few short months. Although its not coming quick enough, me and my girls still haven't scored our hotel room. GAH!!! I know!! Nothing like not knowing where you'll rest your head while you're on a mini-vacay! Hampton Hotels has a sweepstakes going on right now and I'll be entering it, since there are quite a few Hampton Hotels in the area that we would love to be in.

Hampton Chain of Friends Sweepstakes is going on through September 4th, 2010 and you can win one of 100 first prizes, weekend stays for the winner and three friends! Of course that's nothing as compared to the grand prize, where you can get the entire hotel for a weekend. That's 100 rooms for two nights!! Can you imagine the great time that you could have with that?? Make sure you head over to enter into this awesome sweepstakes, which hotel would you stay at if you won??

Traveling with my girls is something else, and I'm sure you have those same bonds with friends of yours. Some of my best friends are all over the country, Liz, Sarah, Kristin and myself are each in a different area. One up in the northwest, one down south, one in the midwest and me here in upstate New York. I'd love to be able to snag a hotel stay for us all, so that we could get together, without the worry of the bill, and reconnect again. Its been nine months since I've seen some of my besties, and I hate it! Now of course, if I were to win one of these stays, I'd have to use it for the time we're at BlogHer!! One expense down would be great and the New York city Hampton hotels look amazing!!

Visit my sponsor: Win a free Weekened Stay

Click Here

Wordless Wednesday (on Thursday!!)

Yes, I know I'm a little late.

Edited to add, this was put down there in the comments and I just love it so much. Thank you LFHPueblo!!
Mini Poem: Lawn Sitter
I like sitting on the nice cool lawn while holding my sippy cup under the shade of a giant tree,
and mommy likes to take lots of pictures of little tiny me.

As always, you can find more WW at EM, 5M4M and of course, the hub.

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