Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Coupons from coupons.com ending soon!!

FREE 8x10 OR 40% Off + Free Shipping from Canvas People!

Canvas People is back for Fall! Get one with your photos of Halloween fun, fall colors, graduation, babies, and those special family moments! The Canvas People folks are offering a free 8 x 10 photo canvas (just pay shipping) OR 40% off any larger canvas + free shipping as a special introductory deal! Remember 2 canvases are always better than 1 and with 40% off + free shipping on larger sizes, you can get the size you want even cheaper! These are really cool if you've never seen them.

1) Choose and upload the photo you would like printed
2) Choose what size. (8x10 is free + shipping/handling after $50 credit)
3) Chose any "extras" (framing, etc.)
4) Enter shipping information
5) Pay the $14.95 shipping/handling (this is still a GREAT deal for one of these)

These photo canvases make great Christmas gifts, anniversary/wedding, and birthday gifts as well.

I'm hoping to get a great shot of the kids this Halloween and do a nice 8 x 10 canvas with it!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

So there was this English class...

Like some of you know already, I went back to college. After 11 years out of high school, I hit the books again this semester and I'm majoring in Chemical Dependency Counseling. The unfortunate thing about it is I have to take an English class, which I'm soooo not prepared for. I've come to the conclusion that I can write content, with no problem (go figure) but I am not super-great at writing grammatically. I have papers due just about every week and a half, using different styles of writing. First paper was just to set the pace, a essay about Fahrenheit 451, and I got a B/B. B for content, B for grammar. The next paper was descriptive essay, which I wound up writing about high school and going back to college 11 years later, and I got an A/B. A for content and a B for grammar. Third essay was a narrative, and I wrote about my life from my 21st birthday and how I got to the point that I'm at. On this last paper I got an A/C. A for content and a C for grammar.

I'm debating on putting my papers here on A Couch With A View for public viewing... I'm wondering if anyone would actually read them though? They're not toooooo lengthy...

Now I'm off... Another paper due tomorrow, this time using a compare/contrast style of writing. This one is MUCH harder than the others to get started...

Shoe-A-Thon at NO MORE RACK!!

Starting at 6:00 PST No More Rack is going to be running a crazy shoe sale! I'm a huge shoe fan, so I'm gonna be clicking over there at 6:00 (or 9:00 here) on the dot to check out the sale!

Their sales are crazy and supplies go fast!! Today you can snag a ipod/iphone usb cable for NOTHING, only .99 cents shipping! I think this deal will end when the shoe deal starts, so if that's something you'd want to snag, head over quick!! Can't wait to see what kind of shoe deals they're gonna have!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Freebie from Canvas People!!

Canvas People is back with an updated offer for Summer! Get one for your first day back to school pictures, vacation memories, 4th of July photos, graduation photos, babies, and those special family moments! Would you order a canvas with summer vacation memories on it? The Canvas People folks are offering a free 8 x 10 photo canvas (just pay shipping) OR 40% off any larger canvas + free shipping as a special introductory deal! Remember 2 canvases are always better than 1 and with 40% off + free shipping on larger sizes, you can get the size you want even cheaper! These are really cool if you've never seen them. Think wedding present, Christmas present etc etc...

1) Choose and upload the photo you would like printed
2) Choose what size. (8x10 is free + shipping/handling after $50 credit)
3) Chose any "extras" (framing, etc.)
5) Enter shipping information
6) Pay the $14.95 shipping/handling (this is still a GREAT deal for one of these)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Freebies from InkGarden!!

Choose from 9 free customizable products to choose from. Just pay shipping/handling:

USE CODE: ForFree which gives you $13 credit which will give you any one of the items free. or 2 items really cheap.
New Ink Garden customers only. Cannot be used in conjunction with other offers. One use per customer. Expires Dec. 31, 2011.

Shipping Rates:

  • Notebook: $3.95
  • Mousepad: $5.49
  • 10 Holiday Cards: $3.29
  • 10 Invitations: $3.29
  • Ceramic Mug: $5.49
  • Biz Cards: $3.49
  • Placemat: $3.29
  • Notepad: $3.49
  • Note Cards: $3.29

Its deals like this I think about stashing for the holidays!!

Big Surprise Savings at ShoeCarnival.com!

Get up to an Extra $15.00 off! Their best coupon offer is in-store and online. It’s never been more exciting to save. They're surprising you with unbelievable savings on our already heart-stopping selection of the hottest styles. And, for the first time ever, you can save two different ways: in-store or online. You can simply print the coupon and bring it with you to your Shoe Carnival Store. There you’ll find out whether you’ll get an additional $5, $10 or $15 off your purchase of $39.98 or more on top of great sale prices. Or, shop online at shoecarnival.com. Once your total reaches $39.98, the Surprise Savings will be automatically applied at checkout. Happy shopping!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Life Update!!

Its been quite a hectic month and a half!

Miss Boug went back to school in September, 2nd grade... It happened so quick, and its hard to believe that my little girl is a second grader. She's no longer a "little" girl!! This year she's doing remedial reading class again, and I have to say that I'm a bit discouraged, since she was in remedial reading last year too. We've been working on it though, and we'll see if we can make some more progress this year.

Lil' Buddy isn't so "lil" anymore either! He celebrated his 3rd birthday this summer! Lets put it into perspective... Boug is 7, weighs 61 pounds. Lil' Buddy is 3 and weighs 52 pounds. I'm 5'3" and the kid comes up past my hip! He's tall and beefy!!

Speaking of school, I went back to college after 10 years out this semester. I eased myself into it by only taking 2 classes this first semester, English as well as Drug & Alcohol Use & Abuse. I'm seriously kicking ass in these two classes!! A midterm average in both classes!!

So, with all that said, I've been somewhat slacking around here, but I'm looking to get back into the swing of things!!

Personalized kids books from JibJab!

Every year, right around the holidays, the kids and I have serious fun by "elfing" ourselves, courtesy of JibJab. Their programs that allow you to put yourself into fun animations are too cute and ElfYourself has been our favorite for years. Aside from ElfYourself and their Starring You e-cards, they've recently come out with iPad books for children that are able to be personalized with your childs name and face!

JibJab Jr. is a great way to settle down to some quiet time with your little ones, and the kiddos absolutely LOVE seeing their names and faces integrated into the stories being read. The app is free to download from the Apple store and it comes with one book. You're able to purchase additional titles for $7.99 individually or $3.99 with a book of the month plan. Once you own the book, it can be personalized an unlimited number of times!Their books like, "The Biggest Pizza Ever" and "The Alphabet Wrangler" are perfect for kids aged 2-6, and the new book in the bookstore is "Monster Mayhem"- perfect for Halloween reading!

Is JibJab Jr. something you think that your kids would enjoy? Are your kids big fans of stuff personalized with their likeness?

Monday, October 3, 2011

New printable coupons from coupons.com!!

New Coupons:

Coupons From October 1st:

Play for a FREE Wendy's Tee!!

Play a couple of games and pick a tee shirt!! Do one round of each game, then click "move on"... after about 4 games and 1 video your submission form will pop up for the tee!!
Discover why Wendy's beef tastes so amazing and get a FREE vintage-style tee.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

dENiZEN Jeans, a back to school MUST!

With back to school comes back to school shopping and I always try to get it done quick and easy, sometimes without even bringing my daughter with me. I end up with countless returns and exchanges because sometimes I just don't have the eye for things that fit right. When I was offered to get a pair of dENiZEN jeans to review, I was hopeful, but skeptical, since my girl with no hips and no butt and her long lanky legs has such a hard time finding jeans that fit right. The package arrived and Miss Boug was stoked to have a new pair of jeans, I wasn't stoked until she tried them on.dENiZEN wound up being a PERFECT fit on her! The length was perfect, the waist was perfect and the wash she wound up with was a super-trendy dark denim that looks awesome with almost anything!

Available exclusively at Target, dENiZEN is brought to you by Levi Strauss & Company, and tis the premium quality that you've come to expect by Levi's. dENiZEN is available for men, women, and children, and priced right at $17.99 to $29.99. By "liking" dENiZEN on facebook, you can even access rebates, gift cards and even free pairs of jeans!

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