Like some of you know already, I went back to college. After 11 years out of high school, I hit the books again this semester and I'm majoring in Chemical Dependency Counseling. The unfortunate thing about it is I have to take an English class, which I'm soooo not prepared for. I've come to the conclusion that I can write content, with no problem (go figure) but I am not super-great at writing grammatically. I have papers due just about every week and a half, using different styles of writing. First paper was just to set the pace, a essay about Fahrenheit 451, and I got a B/B. B for content, B for grammar. The next paper was descriptive essay, which I wound up writing about high school and going back to college 11 years later, and I got an A/B. A for content and a B for grammar. Third essay was a narrative, and I wrote about my life from my 21st birthday and how I got to the point that I'm at. On this last paper I got an A/C. A for content and a C for grammar.
I'm debating on putting my papers here on A Couch With A View for public viewing... I'm wondering if anyone would actually read them though? They're not toooooo lengthy...
Now I'm off... Another paper due tomorrow, this time using a compare/contrast style of writing. This one is MUCH harder than the others to get started...