Monday, September 28, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Last night, amidst all the boxes and packing that needed to be done, the hub and I had a little date night. Quite possibly the last one we'll have in this apartment. Sad, but true, I'll miss our mini-dates in our apartment.

We snuggled on the couch with X-Mex Origins: Wolverine, and though you wouldn't think of it to be much of a date movie, the hub and I are huge X-Men fans! We've watched the first three movies probably 100 times each easily and when we heard that Wolverine was coming out, we were totally stoked. But with two kids and a full time job, we never made it out to see it in the theaters.

First off, I have to say that the hub gives me a hard time because I just want to watch "Huge Jacked-Man," which totally isn't (completely) the case. Though its nice to watch a gorgeous guy in a movie like this, its also easy to just sink into who these characters are.

I don't want to spoil this movie for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, but there are definitely ways that this action movie can hit the chick flick note at times. And its definitely welcome to see Logan/Wolverine/Jimmy, be sensitive and rugged at the same time.

With X-Men Origins: Wolverine there's something to appeal to everyone, the action, the sensitivity, the hotness!

Pick up your copy of X-Men Origins: Wolverine at


Annie1 September 28, 2009 at 10:38 PM  

My daughter was a mutant in the 3rd Xmen movie! We spent over a week on set and Hugh Jackman was the most wonderful, friendly, regular guy!

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