Friday, September 18, 2009

Lose Your Ugly, Find Your Bliss

There are some things that are just so dang ugly, but with LG Bliss and their Lose Your Ugly, Find Your Bliss contest going on right now, you can enter for a chance to lose your ugly and grab a new LG Bliss!!LG Bliss Facebook Fan Page is where you'll need to head to enter into the Lose Your Ugly, Find Your Bliss contest!!

From now until November 6th, you can upload a video or a photo of whatever you have that's ugly and you'd like to lose. When you enter at their facebook page, you'll be in the running to win one of five grand prizes of a new LG Bliss, fifty runners up will each win $50 to buy their own bliss.

There's so much ugly in the world, but not limited to of course...

Ugly Fashion: I saw a picture of a girl that I went to high school with on her wedding day. She looked like a hooker... now THAT'S ugly fashion! Which ties right into Trashy Trends, there's some stuff out in stores now that I just don't understand!! How can people think that these things look good?!?!

Mutant Machines: You know you've held on to one at one point or another, the electronics that are so old that your grandma says "Oh look its my original ... (insert old thing here)" Yep, they belong in the trash heap!

Ugly Wonders: There are some forces of nature that are just ugly- there's a group of really strange mushroom things in my front yard, They look disgusting and ugly... at least I THINK that they're mushrooms...

Uglymobiles: Ever see a car so hideous that it made your modest mobile look like a brand new Range Rover? Yep... that's an "uglymobile!"

You can see entries from these categories and more at the LG Bliss Facebook Fan Page gallery!

Entrants over age 18 can submit one entry per facebook account of whatever it is that they think is ugly, but keep in mind, no pictures of people, no violence, no indecency, and no illegal activities!!



Mom Union September 19, 2009 at 7:27 PM  

No pictures of people?!!! I have a great one of my husband. When he wakes up he looks just like Kim Jung Ell, the leader of North Korea. Seriously.

The Mad Blogger September 20, 2009 at 7:28 AM  

Hi, I’m trying to get more links for my new blog about cheap toys and I feel that your site is not only pretty cool but also is in some ways related to mine; hence I thought it would be beneficial if both of us could do a blogroll link exchange (or inpost links exchange if you wish).

I would propose a non-reciprocal link exchange to gain more credit from google (I got 3 other toy blogs). Please let me know if you’re interested. My email is buycheaptoys [at] gmail [dot] com


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