Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Disclosure Policy

This policy is valid from 28 April 2009

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact Casey (caseyscouch at yahoo dot com).

This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.

The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

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Monday, October 27, 2008


Winners will be announced shortly!!

Okay so its that wonderful time now, Bloggy Carnival time!! As of 1:30 today, there are over 650 blogs participating!! HOLY CRAP!!!

Time for mine! I've got 2 giveaways to get started....

Our first giveaway is my absolute favorite etsy seller. Munchkin Makings has some of the most adorable onesies and t-shirts for babies and toddlers. When I found out lil' Buddy was a boy, I snagged up a "stud muffin" onesie and a "chick magnet" onesie and they have held up so well. Lil' Buddy has gotten so many compliments on them!! The best part of all is Erin over at Munchkin Makings has some of the best prices and is so accomodating!! I found a "priceless-boy" onesie but my best friend was having a little girl baby, I asked Erin if she could do it in pink for a girl and she did! It looked adorable and my best friend absolutely LOVED it!!

Here's lil' Buddy in his stud muffin onesie!

The hardest part about Munchkin Makings is narrowing it down to what I want and not being tempted to buy it all!! With the holidays coming and everyone's money being so tight, she's got the right prices for some nice gifts!!

Erin has given us an Orange Board Stripe tie shirt in your choice of either a onesie or a toddler shirt to give away! She has also now added to the choice this adorable Boutique Morning Glory Toddler/Child's Purse!! All you need to do to be entered is visit Munchkin Makings and leave a comment here to tell me what your favorite item is!!

Also I have a baby Einstein dvd up for grabs, Baby Mozart Music Festival is one of the favorites around here and I have it available for you to snag up!! Its perfect for ages 3 months and up!! All you have to do to be entered is tell me what Baby Einstein catches your eye the most!

Remember, you can enter for both the Munchkin Makings items and the DVD. Just leave a separate comment for each, favorite munchkin makings item and whether you'd like the onesie or the purse, and favorite baby Einstein dvd.

For an extra entry, you can add me to your blog roll and leave another comment telling me that you did!

For both giveaways, please make sure that I have an email address to contact you if you're one of our winners! Both giveaways will be ending on Friday, 10/31 and winners will also be announced here shortly thereafter!!

More giveaways at the Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival!

Review Policy

Thanks for considering A Couch With A View for a review for your product or site.
A Couch With A View will consider all items for review and giveaway on the site.

Please keep in mind:
A Couch With A View requires a sample or test product for each review, in order to give an accurate and enthusiastic review, it's only fair that I know what I am promoting and to do it honestly. Samples will not be returned.

  • When contacting A Couch With A View, please send all review requests to caseyscouch@yahoo.com, along with a description and a site link.

  • Communication will be kept at all times, you'll know when the product arrives for review along with the tentative posting date. A direct link to the review will be email to you once it is active.

  • If you'd like to hold a giveaway to go along with the review, please feel free to let me know, you will be responsible for all shipping and handling of giveaway items being sent to the winner.

  • If you are interested in page views, subscribers etc. please let me know and I would be happy to share some information with you!

  • Every effort is made by myself to post the review, and giveaway, within a reasonable time frame. Generally within 2 weeks of receipt.

  • I will heavily promote your review/giveaway using social media (including Twitter), forums, blogs and other available outlets.

  • Your company name and my product review will remain in my archives. Web crawls will consistently pull up your company/my review info. I try to use as many labels/tags as possible to ensure maximum exposure in web searches.

  • You will get exposure to a wide audience. Your products and product information will be viewed by numerous readers, many who will then spread the word about your products to others.

  • You will be able to hear from the public by viewing feedback and comments from readers.

If you are a company, large or small, or a entrepreneur mom who sells fun items, please contact us. Statistics show that mom bloggers are an ever-increasing way to reach one of the largest spending markets in the country… other moms! We look forward to working with you.

This is the best sort of advertising your product. For the cost of your product you can get word of mouth and buzz about your product!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Sunny Fall Sunday!

Todays Awesome Amazon Deals-
-Its getting to be that time of year when the heat gets turned on, the fireplace or the woodstove starts getting used more or maybe you use portable space heaters. Its so important to make sure you have a carbon monoxide detector and Amazon.com has the Kidde Plug-In Carbon Monoxide Alarm available for $29.99. This one is great cause you can just plug it into an outlet and forget about it. No need to worry about batteries!

-Here's a great gift idea for someones office, home office or just a personal desk. If only my workspace was as neat and tidy as the one shown! Brookstone has super cool Photo Frame Speakers and these look perfect to disguise any bulky boxy looking speaker lying around your desktop. These are too cute and a great way to keep pictures of loved ones around!

-I think every family needs a portable DVD player if you take any trips with any length especially. Now of course I don't even have one yet, but at a price like $89.99 for a brand new one, I may be getting one SOONER than later. Check out this Coby Electronics 8-Inch Portable DVD/CD/MP3 Player

Sunny Sunday-
-The Giveaway has a jumbo Tinkertoy Classic Jumbo Set
set to give away!
-MomDot has $100 worth of Dole fruits to give out and also another giveaway for a $50 grocery gift card!! Whooooo HOooooo!!
-Mama Loves Giveaways has a Hasbro Playskool Busy Ball Popper to give away to someone!

My 4 year old has become dependent on wearing a hat with one glove to sleep at night. Does anyone else find this odd? Do your children have any weird sleeping habits? Do they have anything that they became attached to out of the middle of nowhere??

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bloggy Giveaways Carnival!!

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Starts on MONDAY!!

I'm going to participate this time around. I'll have at least one prize to be won, I may add more!

Make sure to check back and enter enter enter!!

Today's Top Toys

Tip-Top Toys for Saturday 10/25
Fisher-Price Elmo Live
Elmo Live is going to be flying off the shelves this year just like the Elmos have in Christmases past!! His mouth opens and closes when he speaks, tells jokes, sings songs, sits and stands, waves his arms and even crosses his legs! This Elmo rocks!! This Elmo is suggested for kiddos 18 months and older.

Playskool Kota My Triceratops Dinosaur
Kota My Triceratops Dinosaur by Playskool is a little pricey, but all I can say is WOW! I think I want this one more than my daughter does!! This dinosaur is over 3 feet tall and responds to voice!!

EyeClops Night Vision Infrared Stealth Goggles
Eyeclops Night Vision is super cool for kids age 6 and up. This is equipped with authentic night vision and you can see up to 50 feet away in complete darkness!!

Top "Toys" for Moms, Dads and any other adults!
Kindle: Amazon's Wireless Reading Device
The Amazon Kindle is super high on my hubby's wish list this year. This is a great way to keep up on newspapers, magazines, blogs and books. At only 10.3 ounces, its the best way to tote around your entire library to access anything you'd like!

Nespresso Essenza Flowstop Automatic Espresso Machine with Aeroccino Bundle - Piano Black/C100/B
The Nespresso Essenza Flowstop Automatic Espresso Machine is pretty top of the line. It was voted best for excellent tasting espresso by consumer reports. How about some espresso and a little biscotti after dinner Christmas day? Sounds awesome to me!!

Today's Amazon.com Gold Box Deal of the Day--

Berndes 9 Piece SignoCast Cast Aluminum Cookware Set
This is one of the best deals I have seen in a LONG time. Its the Berndes 9 Piece SignoCast Aluminum Cookware set. This is normally a $1,200 set!! For today you can get it for, holy crap- $189.99 + FREE supersaver shipping!!

Right now, if you sign up for Amazon Prime, you can get FREE 2 day shipping!!

Not so super Saturday-

Its raining, its windy. This is not a super Saturday.

I've been sitting here staring at the computer screen trying to think of what to even write about today. Being a stay at home mom for 6 out of the 7 days of the week, there isn't much that happens that sparks something in me to write about at times. I refuse to touch on politics, there is too much to get into with that and it seems like thats the only thing in the news these days. So what to talk about.... Here's just some random thoughts--

Money is so tight around here, and I'm sure its tight for everyone, I'm going to start listing AMAZING Amazon.com deals when I can find them.

I'm going to get together a list of survey sites that I use that pay in Amazon codes to help defer some of the costs for spending the money on the Amazon great deals.

Lots of blogs do a "Wordless Wednesday," but I don't really know how well that goes over- any opinions on that matter?

I've been posting some cool blog giveaways in some of my posts and I'm sure I'll be keeping that up.

I'm in the process of trying to find sponsors for giveaways, I feel like I'm getting nowhere with it. I'd love love love to do a weekly giveaway!! If anyone has any tips for getting that accomplished, PLEASEEEE let me know!!

Super Saturday!!
-Momma Findings has 3 Sensible Sipper goodie packs to give away!!
-Blessings Abound has a Sweet Irie keyfob to give away!!
-A Mom's Review has a Pillsbury Savorings gift set to hand out!!
-So A Blonde Walks Into A Review has a Land's End giveaway going on!!
-Centsible Mommy has an awesome Baby Rock Apparel giveaway right now!!

Christmas is coming!!

We've got only 62 days til Christmas!!! This year is flyin' by!!

Great deals!
Amazon.com has got to be my favorite shopping site!!

This one my hubby wants-
-Coby MP200-1G MP3 Player with 1 GB Flash Memory and USB Drive - Black

These are on the little girls wish list-
-Fisher-Price Elmo's Restaurant
-Monopoly Disney Pixar Edition
-Fisher-Price I Can Play Guitar System
-Fisher-Price Elmo Live
-Vtech - Kidizoom Digital Camera - Pink
-LeapFrog® Leapster® Learning Game System - Green
-Fisher-Price Smart Cycle

What are your kids asking for this year? How much do you plan on spending?

Friday, October 24, 2008


Fun Friday--
-Cool Baby Kid (Holiday Edition) has 5, count 'em, 5 pairs of See Kai Run shoes to give out!
-Another 5 pairs of See Kai Run shoes at Cool Baby Kid!!
-Rockin' Mama has a Paper Shouts giveaway, do your part and GO GREEN!!
-I love AMAZON!! Financial Learn has an amazon code up for grabs!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

We're Getting Closer!

I cannot believe its almost Halloween! Next thing you know Thanksgiving will be here, then the tree will go up... then its Santa time! Normally I'd be so excited, but this year funds are so tight I'm not too sure how I'm going to be able to shop for Christmas. Adults are cut off this year from presents. They are all getting homemade cookies. My nieces and nephew are getting scaled wayyyy down. The only gifts I'm spending any substantial amount of money on are for my daughter and son. Not that an itty bitty baby needs gifts, I just need to keep up the Santa Claus act so Boug doesn't get suspicious! The girl is 4 but she's too damn smart!! Whats your holiday budget this year? Are you cutting back or are you spending the same as previous years? Is anyone spending more than usual this year??

Checking out the bloggies, sitting drinking coffee on a Thirsty Thursday!
-Red Sox Mommy has babySNAZZ legwarmers up for grabs!
-See Kai Run shoes available over at Mom Most Traveled!
-I'm No Supermom (neither am I!) has a pair of Smaller shoes to give away!
-$25 Lu*Lu's gift card giveaway over at, you guessed it, The Giveaway!
-Livin' With Me has a $50 Bija Baby gift card ready to give out!
-Smaller shoes for your little ones tootsies over at Simple Finds!
-An Ordinary Life wants to know if you wanna Build-A-Bear!!
-The Kids Store personalized book up for grabs from Momma Findings!
-S.I.M.P.L.E. has a mini-cooking kit from Sassafras to give away!

Did anyone see the protesters trying to stand in front of Palin's motorcade? Come on people, the woman hunts moose and other big game... what makes you think she wont getcha??

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

One sentence.

If I hear the name "Joe the Plumber" one more time, I'm going to stab myself in the ears with wooden spoons.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Oh dear-deer?

Today hubby went down to a coworkers house to expand his butchering knowledge. Now before you judge, its pretty redneck around here and there are lots of hunters. Theres a serious deer overpopulation and not enough people skillfully butchering deer meat. He went down and learned more about butchering deer. Rifle season is starting soon and he's gotta get up to par on his skills so he can make some money!! He took the camcorder
and taped it, then asked if I wanted to watch it when he got home!! ACK!! No thank you darling!!!

I've begun taking couponing much more seriously lately. Last week I went to the grocery store after carefully picking through their flyer and going through my coupons. I got nervous as the total went higher and higher, finally stopping at $199... I knew I couldn't afford almost $200 worth of groceries! Then the coupons began to come off... I went all the way down to $138!! I was so proud of myself, but I know that if I would have stuck with just the items that I had coupons for, my total bill would have been soooo lowww... I'm setting a goal, I want to get $100 worth of items for $10 with coupons! Think I can get it done???

Monday, monday....
-SassyFrazz has an iPod shuffle to give away to a commenter!!
-$50 Paper Shouts gift certificate giveaway at I'm No Supermom!!
-The Giveaway fullfilling its name with an Olive Kids prize pack giveaway!!
-Land's End giveaway going on over at A Mom's Review!!
-PB & Pickles is giving way Funky Monkey Snacks!!

One week to go till Bloggy Carnival!! I cant wait!! HOLLA!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Flea bombing and roof repairing!

What a longggg day!! Last night I got the dreaded phone call from hubby-- "I'm at the hospital." UGH!! I hate that sentance!! I had no idea what was wrong and he didn't want me to come to the hospital. He said he cut his fingers at work, (he's a butcher) and that I shouldn't worry and he'd be home soon. He got home and his ring finger was glued and his middle finger got 4 stitches. I just hate injuries and open wounds and God knows my husband has had his fair share of them over the past 5 years. Just about a year ago, 3 months after a car accident and a facial wound that wouldnt heal, they pulled out a piece of wood from his face that was an inch and a quarter long! How does a doctor not see a branch that big sitting inside someones cheek!?!?

Then today, I woke up to the realization that I need to flea bomb my house before it got to be too much. I decided to get the Bio Spot Room Foggers
We went across the river to get the flea stuff, then dropped Boug off at my grandparents, then came back and bombed, then we went back across the river to deal with his work stuff from this cut, then went to my grandparents house where my entire family was attempting to repair their neglected roof! Now if the roof was just taken care of fairly regularly, they wouldn't be busting their rears trying to get basically a new roof on ASAP. Lots of running around today and its gotten so cold here so quickly. I'm not prepared for it yet!! So I guess my wise words today are, don't cut your fingers and don't neglect your home!!

Blog, blogger, blogging....
**Wow Wow Wubzzy prize pack up for grabs at Mom Reviews!!
**A Working Blogging Mommy has awesome See Kai Run shoes available!!
**How cool are soda fountains? The Giveaway has one to, you guessed it, giveaway!!
**Super Coupon Girl is giving away a whole mess of coupons!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sunny Saturday-

From the inside looking out, it looks like a gorgeous sunny Saturday, then you go outside... The wind is WHIPPING, its downright chilly. My parents and my aunt are up on a roof with my grandfather getting it fixed finally. Its been in shambles for a while and my grandfather has been putting off doing it, well finally its getting done. At my own home, there really isn't much that's in dire need of being done, maybe just a general clean up. We rent so I cant really have any home improvement projects going on. As much as my husband and I would LOVE to do some redecorating!! Whats on your list of things to do around the house??

Bloggy Fun!!
-Bratz Ponyz 2 for a Nintendo DS is being given away by 7 Dogs & a Baby!
-An Ordinary Life has a fabulous Step2 kitchen up for grabs!!
-Love Lands End! My Thoughts, Ideas & Ramblings is giving some away!
-An Island Review is giving away 10 1st Comes Love personalized holiday cards!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Ugh... Fleas...

Some how my whackjob of an indoor cat caught fleas. I have NO idea how this even happened!! The furthest the damn cat goes outside is the enclosed porch- more like a mudroom. I'm having a hell of a time trying to get rid of them. I used a carpet powder that I got at the grocery store and of course, I ran out 3/4 of the way through the house. I put a flea collar on her and I used the flea drops. Thankfully lil' Buddy, hubby and myself don't have any flea bites, but my poor daughter Boug has a bunch of them. The child is like a bug magnet!! My mother says that Boug must be one sweet piece of meat!! LOL!! Does anyone have a surefire remedy for fleas besides calling an exterminator?

Where I've been today--
*Chic Shopper Chick has an awesome handheld Dyson to give away!
*WhoBob WhatPants? DVD is one my daughter is going to LOVE! An Island Review has one!!
*Financial Learn has Amazon to give out!! What do frugal people like??
*Super cute Eleven shoes are available to win over at Red Sox Mommy!!
*Girls Just Wanna Win Swag has a $25 Bright and Bold gift certificate!!
*Little MissMatched giveaway available at Simple Reviews!!

Please leave me some flea removal tips in the comments!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I am beginning to think that my one day a week bartending job is pointless. Granted I love getting out of the house for a few hours and conversating with adults, but to go and actually do work while I'm at it and not make much money just doesn't make sense to me. With as hectic as our schedules are, I feel as if I'm missing out on priceless family time. Tonight at work, I barely made over $40. I was there for 6 hours. What is the point? So I only did "real" work from 7-9:30, but I had still been there since 3:30. At what point does the extra money not matter? I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to do with this situation. I have only been working there for 4 weeks and I would feel badly to say to them, yeah... I'm done. But is $40 worth not spending time with the family?

On to happier notes--
I loveeee Boon products. They are freakin' fabulous. Easy for the kids to hold and so stylish. They just added a cute pink and white color scheme to their feeding line. The Flair Highchair
is TO DIE FOR!! I would loveee to have it for lil' Buddy.... (X-mas is coming, hint hint!) and the Boon Frog Pod
, ummm why didn't I think of that?? Bellaziza's Favorite Things is giving away the entire Boon Feeding Collection valued at over $60!! And if you win you can pick either the pink and white or the blue and orange. All you have to do is email them to get in, see their page for all the rules and get entered to win. You know I did... duh.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Not a fan of the sleep!

Today, lil' Buddy is boycotting. He's boycotting sleep. I'm not even sure why, theres nothing wrong to make him uncomfortable, he isn't sick, there's nothing out of the ordinary going on here today. The boy has only slept for about 45 minutes since 9:30 this morning. Its now 2:30!!! He's only 7 weeks old.... wayyyy too early to be giving up on naps. Boug stopped napping at 2 years old. There was no getting her to nap at all.

Also, lately my cat has been acting so weird! A few weeks back a stray cat started coming around, its no longer here, but ever since then our cat has been a completely different cat. About 10 minutes ago, I looked over to see her eating Boug's Cheez-It crackers straight from the dish that they are in. What cat do you know that wants to eat Cheez-It crackers??? I swear, the cat has some sort of mental instability.

I'm making my rounds today!!
-Mommy's Idea has a wipe and diaper bag to give away from Cutiepies Couture!
-$25 gift certificate to Little Jet Set is being given away by I'm No Supermom!
-The Giveaway is fulfilling its name and giving away a $50 gift certificate to The Soap Box Company!
-Goodies for Mom has peppermint washcloth candies up for grabs!!

I'm doing my damndest to participate in the Bloggy Carnival this year!! Keep checkin' back for my very first giveaway!!

Boyfriend Pillow?

Now I personally have no need for this item, my hub is home every night for me to curl up with if I'd like, but I have a few friends that this might be useful for! For some reason, with looking at this product, all of a sudden, Phil Collins- Groovy Kind of Love pops into my head!!

Do you have a lonely friend? Someone who's single and constantly hooking up with the wrong men? Get this for her and remind her that its at home when she's contemplating bringing someone home from the bar in a drunken stupor. Bachelorette gift? No farting!! No snoring!! Wont grope you in the middle of the night!!

Hilarious. Downright hilarious.

Monday, October 13, 2008


I didn't even realize how quickly halloween was approaching until I spoke with my mother in law today... and thank God that I talked to her! I was having a hard time with Boug's halloween costume this year because I like at least one part of it, every year, to be hand made. This year she wants to be Princess Leia, so my mother in law the craft queen is going to sew together a fleece Princess Leia robe so that Boug is warm while she's out trick or treating this year. I'll still be buying the bun hairpiece and I'll make the belt. Here's hoping she's recognizable!! LOL!! Lil' Buddy's going to be Darth Vader . I was going for Yoda, but hubby wouldn't have it. He's a "bad guy" fan, every movie he roots for the bad guy to win. "No son of his is going to be Yoda!!" Have your kids decided what they will be for halloween? What kind of candy are you going to be handing out? Leave a comment and let me know!!

Awesome Autumn Giveaway!

One of my favorite places is running an awesome autumn giveaway, Indie Fixx has 2 huge prize packages being given out! Each is valued at almost $400!! I personally love the bag in prize #2 by Faite Designs!! Check it out here at Indie Fixx!!

Its a no-mail day...

Its a sad day today. There's no mail!! I so look forward to all the goodies I find in my mailbox, I love getting real mail and not bills!! The free samples, wins from entering contests, notes from friends and family... I love it all!! But alas, that darn Columbus screwed today up for me.

Right now I have like 4 different blog pages open that I getting ready to read. I cant seem to figure out which one is playing the music though!! LOL! I feel kind of stupid, but I cannot find which one it is to save my life. I suppose I could close the windows one by one and see when the music stops, but I dont want to forget to re-open it and read the articles that I was planning on reading. Cause knowing me I'll get sidetracked and forget all about it.

-All Because 2 People Fell in Love has Primo water to give away!! (by the way, I figured out thats where my music is coming from!! loving it!!)
-Cute handpainted key fobs are being given away by The Giveaway!
-Fabulous Fun Finds has a whole bunch of giveaways going on, they're awesome!! Too many to list and I'm loving it!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Sunday!

I've been scarce for a day or so... Yesterday was the Harvest festival at my husbands work. A lot of fun for Boug but there were soooo many people there and it wasn't a huge place. Dora and Diego were there though and that made her happy. Pony rides were free and so was face painting and a petting zoo. They had a bunch of those bounce castles and stuff, but I don't trust them so Boug doesn't go in them. Is that wrong of me? Maybe when she gets just a little bit older. She's only 4! Afterwards, I came back home to change their clothes, it was a lot warmer yesterday than I thought it was supposed to be, the poor munchkins were sweating their butts off!! In the evening we wound up going back over to my parents house. I'll leave this post by saying mom has become quite the wino and man oh man does she come out with some zingers after a few glasses!! We didn't end up getting home until after 12:30 cause we were having so many laughs together! I'm paying for the lack of sleep today....

-My Little Pony dvd being given away over at 7 Dogs and a Baby!
-Ambajam giveaway from Val's View. $50 gift certificate!!
-Pat-a-Cake Baby has a Little Ugly giveaway going on!
-See Kai Run or Eleven shoe drawing over at Centsible Mommy!
-Thrifty & Chic Mom is giving away Pediped Flex and Pediped Original shoes!
-Mohawk hat giveaway from The Giveaway, my rock star son needs this!!
-Mommy's Idea has a giveaway for a $60 gift card from Designs by RS- fix up your blog!

Happy Sunday everyone...

Friday, October 10, 2008

All I Wanna Do

I love blogs. I love reading them. I love the articles. I love the different takes on topics. I love finding new things that people can recommend or not. I love being able to relate to other people on all sorts of different levels. I love all the different things that people write about. I love the eccentricity of certain blogs. I love the down-to-earthness of other blogs. I just love blogs. I love them! When I'm here at home 6 out of 7 days of the week, with no car and no chance to talk to friends on the phone, when I'm reading blogs I feel like I'm not so out of touch with the world! I'd love to have my blog as successful as a lot of the blogs that I read. I want to review items and host giveaways like so many of the blogs owners are able to do! I would just LOVE that!! If anyone who reads this is able to give me a direction to go in order to do that, please let me know. Leave a comment or send me an email, my email addy is in the sidebar about me section.

Bloggy Giveaways carnival is coming up and I cannot tell you how excited I am! I love seeing all the different things being given away and I love to see the different things that people use and enjoy using!! I'm definately considering hosting my own giveaway this time around.

Super Coupon Girl is giving away glade plug ins and a buttload of coupons!

Super cute kids clothes? Defintely... The Not-So-Blog is giving away a $25 Hippos Toes gift certificate!

I wanna host a giveaway................... All I wanna do is give a review...............

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

When does one begin to realize?

Here I am, 7 weeks into being a mother of not one, but two children. When I had one little girl, I thought I had it down pat... then lil' Buddy came along. 7 weeks of trying to balance, 7 weeks of no sleep, 7 weeks of juggling 2 children, 7 weeks of that wonderful baby smell... but after 7 weeks how come I cannot remember for the life of me that this is a little BOY and I NEED to remember that he has a wee-wee. I NEED to remember that his pee wont just trickle down if I'm in the middle of a diaper change! Over the past 3 days I think my memory has finally given out on me because I've been peed on about 8 times. Is it that I'm not remembering to cover him up quick enough or is this a sign of things to come? Is this one going to be the demon child who will terrorize me more than his sister has yet? Am I going to need to buy a Oops Weeblock or is my memory ever going to return?

Where was NY's Indian summer this year? It has been downright COLD especially in the morning and night, and during the day its been pretty damn chilly! I'm not ready to pull out my coat yet! I love being able to wear jeans and sweaters... I think its getting bypassed this year.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Today's Giveaways I've Visited!!

Thankfully today, I actually remembered to take the stroller out of the trunk of the car before the hub went to work. Lil' Buddy, Boug and I decided to take a walk down to the landlords house to pay the rent, late, I know. It was kind of dreary looking outside and quite chilly, so everyone had sweaters on and lil' Buddy had a blanket. The landlords have 2 donkey's, 2 llamas and 3 sheep, so we usually spend a little while down there talking to the animals and playing around. Well don't know know, within minutes of walking out the door, getting a third of the way to the barn, it started to rain.... just my luck. I write out the rent late and get caught in the rain trying to deliver it with 2 little kids. Ughh... one of those days. Boug wouldn't listen to me to save her life today!! I swear, sometimes its as if I didn't say anything at all!! I was on the verge of just grabbing toys and throwing them away! Ever get like that?

-My Good Cents is giving away a $5 Starbucks gift card that they snagged from SwagBucks! If you want to sign up for SwagBucks under me or need some information let me know, here's my referral link-- Deuce's Swagbucks Referral
-MoneyNing is giving away a $15 Starbucks card, there are 6 of these to be won!!
-Yummy Cocoa Puffs Combos cereal is being given away by An Island Review!
-A ton of awesome giveaways over at The Good Human, check out the cool TerraCycle bag!!
-A case of Dial foaming hand wash!! WOW!! What a useful giveaway from Lookit! I Spy...

I should have made dinner by now, but I haven't!! There is absolutely nothing to cook, so I think it might be pancakes for dinner tonight!!

For one day only...

Just a quick note to reach out to whomever comes across this---

This lil' baby would love your vote to possibly win some prizes. He's a cutie and money is tight, there are some nice gifts up for grabs... I'm sure he'd appreciate it. Its a quick one, today only- Friday, 10/3.

Thanks in advance!

What to Expect-Campbell

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I forgot to write it out!!

As I sit here, I am realizing that I totally forgot to write out the rent check!! Granted, our landlords are really cool, and they live behind us so I don't need to wait for it to get there in the mail but I hate hate hate being late on the rent. I could take the kiddos and walk the rent check back to them, but lil' Buddy's sleeping and of course the stroller is in the car with my hubby at work. Lot of good its doing me there huh? They are only about a quarter mile behind our house, but I'm definately not feeling up to walking it with a 13 pound baby in my arms the whole way. He's a hefty boy!!

Today's giveaways!!
-Win a Flip Ultra camcorder from The Full Mommy.
-Sesame Street K'Nex being given away by Chic Shopper Chick.
-Savvy Housewife is giving away a whole bunch of Primo Water!
-Lipstick to Crayons has a Fight the Flu gift pack to give away including a diaper bag!

So I guess its time to tend to some kiddos, my mini-break during the day is short and I usually come on here at night. I'm currently avoiding doing dishes and laundry. Boug is sitting on the kitchen floor playing with Star Wars toys, I know, what a girlie-girl and a delicate little flower she is! LOL!! Lil' Buddy is chillin' on Boug's mini-couch and is actually content. I know that will be changing momentarily.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

End and Beginning of the Month!!

Here are some more great giveaways I've been entering tonight. I worked till 9:15, so now its my veg out time...

-Sesame Street K'Nex giveaway over at SassyFrazz.
-Sign up to win a $50 gift certificate to Anonymous Venice from The Giveaway.
-Too cute, Tattoos for Tots are being given away by A Wresting Addicted Mommy.
-The most AMAZING Boon highchair is up for grabs from Berrie Sweet Picks!!
-Financial Learn is giving away $10 Amazon gift code.

I should really be heading to bed, but I tend to take full advantage of sitting here in the dark with sleeping kids and my husband in all different rooms. It really doesn't help that my absolute favorite show is on, Law & Order. I'm a huge SVU fan and Christoper Meloni is my celebrity crush. CI is on now and its a repeat, but I'm still watching it!! I think its a sickness when you'll watch the same episode of a show that you've already seen and you know you should be sleeping!

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